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This page describes basic concepts and fundamental knowledge of RandomNumbers.jl.


Unless otherwise specified, all the random number generators in this package are pseudorandom number generators (or deterministic random bit generator), which means they only provide numbers whose properties approximate the properties of truly random numbers. Always, especially in secure-sensitive cases, keep in mind that they do not gaurantee a totally random performance.


This package is registered. The stable version of this package requires Julia 0.7+. You can install it by:

(v1.0) pkg> add RandomNumbers

It is recommended to run the test suites before using the package:

(v1.0) pkg> test RandomNumbers


First of all, to use a RNG from this package, you can import RandomNumbers.jl and use RNG by declare its submodule's name, or directly import the submodule. Then you can create a random number generator of certain type. For example:

julia> using RandomNumbers
julia> r = Xorshifts.Xorshift1024Plus()


julia> using RandomNumbers.Xorshifts
julia> r = Xorshift1024Plus()

The submodules have some API in common and a few differently.

All the Random Number Generators (RNGs) are child types of AbstractRNG{T}, which is a child type of Base.Random.AbstractRNG and replaces it. (Base.Random may be refactored sometime, anyway.) The type parameter T indicates the original output type of a RNG, and it is usually a child type of Unsigned, such as UInt64, UInt32, etc. Users can change the output type of a certain RNG type by use a wrapped type: WrappedRNG.

Consistent to what Base.Random does, there are generic functions:

  • seed!(::AbstractRNG{T}[, seed]) initializes a RNG by one or a sequence of numbers (called seed). The output sequences by two RNGs of the same type should be the same if they are initialized by the same seed, which makes them deterministic. The seed type of each RNG type can be different, you can refer to the corresponding manual pages for details. If no seed provided, then it will use RandomNumbers.gen_seed to get a "truly" random one.
  • rand(::AbstractRNG{T}[, ::Type{TP}=Float64]) returns a random number in the type TP. TP is usually an Unsigned type, and the return value is expected to be uniformly distributed in {0, 1} at every bit. When TP is Float64 (as default), this function returns a Float64 value that is expected to be uniformly distributed in $[0, 1)$. The discussion about this is in the Conversion to Float section.

The other common functions such as rand(::AbstractRNG, ::Dims) and rand!(::AbstractRNG, ::AbstractArray), and the ones that generate random numbers in a certain distribution such as randn, randexp, randcycle, etc. defined in the standard library Random still work well. See the official docs for details. You can also refer to this section for the common functions.

The constructors of all the types of RNG are designed to take the same kind of parameters as seed!. For example:

julia> using RandomNumbers.Xorshifts

julia> import Random: rand!

julia> r1 = Xorshift128Star(123)  # Create a RNG of Xorshift128Star with the seed "123"
Xorshift128Star(0x000000003a300074, 0x000000003a30004e)

julia> r2 = Xorshift128Star();  # Use a random value to be the seed.

julia> rand(r1)  # Generate a number uniformly distributed in ``[0, 1)``.

julia> A = rand(r1, UInt64, 2, 3)  # Generate a 2x3 matrix `A` in `UInt64` type.
2×3 Array{UInt64,2}:
 0xbed3dea863c65407  0x607f5f9815f515af  0x807289d8f9847407
 0x4ab80d43269335ee  0xf78b56ada11ea641  0xc2306a55acfb4aaa

julia> rand!(r1, A)  # Refill `A` with random numbers.
2×3 Array{UInt64,2}:
 0xf729352e2a72b541  0xe89948b5582a85f0  0x8a95ebd6aa34fcf4
 0xc0c5a8df4c1b160f  0x8b5269ed6c790e08  0x930b89985ae0c865

People will get the same results in their own computers of the above lines. For more interfaces and usage examples, please refer to the manual pages of each RNG.

Empirical Statistical Testing

Empirical statistical testing is very important for random number generation, because the theoretical mathematical analysis is insufficient to verify the performance of a random number generator.

The famous and highly evaluated TestU01 library is chosen to test the RNGs in RandomNumbers.jl. TestU01 offers a collection of test suites, and Big Crush is the largest and most stringent test battery for empirical testing (which usually takes several hours to run). Big Crush has revealed a number of flaws of lots of well-used generators, even including the Mersenne Twister (or to be more exact, the dSFMT) which is currently used in Base.Random as GLOBAL_RAND`.1

This package chooses RNGTest.jl to use TestU01.

The testing results are available on Benchmark page.

Conversion to Float

Besides the statistical flaws, popular generators often neglect the importance of converting unsigned integers to floating numbers. The most common situation is to convert an UInt to a Float64 which is uniformly distributed in $[0.0, 1.0)$. For example, neither the std::uniform_real_distribution in libstdc++ from gcc, libc++ from llvm, nor the standard library from MSVC has a correct performance, as they all have a non-zero probability for generating the max value which is an open bound and should not be produced.

The cause is that a Float64 number in $[0.0, 1.0)$ has only 53 significand bits (52 explicitly stored), which means at least 11 bits of an UInt64 are abandoned when being converted to Float64. If using the naive approach to multiply an UInt64 by $2^{-64}$, users may get 1.0, and the distribution is not good (although using $2^{-32}$ for an UInt32 is OK).

In this package, we make use of the fact that the distribution of the least 52 bits can be the same in an UInt64 and a Float64 (if you are familiar with IEEE 754 this is easy to understand). An UInt64 will firstly be converted to a Float64 that is perfectly uniformly distributed in [1.0, 2.0), and then be minus by one. This is a very fast approach, but not completely ideal, since the one bit is wasted. The current default RNG in Base.Random library does the same thing, so it also causes some tricky problems.2